It's tough kids but it's life! (That's another Dead Kennedy's reference by the way)

Well here I am again, firing weapons and what have you. This was at a somewhat dubious firing range/army base near Phnom Penh airport in Cambodia. Those of a more girly, sensative disposition will be pleased to know that I politely turned down the chance to shoot a chicken. Given that most of my shots went wide of the target it's probably for the best. I didnt fancy watching something I'd just taken a wing off running round squaking and spraying blood everywhere. The target shown had a total of thirty shots fired from an AK47 at it by myself so you can see a career in the Special Forces is not a-calling. I did get the fucker in the throat though and if you ask me anyone who's dumb enough to hang around a firing range with a big bull's eye on their chest deserves everything they get.
To balance this glorification of violence out I also visited the Killing Fields (where the Khmer Rouge carried out mass executions) and the Tol Sleung Museum (a former school that was turned into their primary detention and interrogation centre i.e. somewhere they tortured and killed people).
They didnt actually shoot many of the 2 million people they killed (out of a population of just 7 million, pretty mind-boggling really, that's over a quarter of the population) as that was a waste of bullets, preferring instead to decapitate them or bash their skulls in against trees so I didnt feel too bad mixing genocidal history with gunplay.
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