In praise of cold beer in hot climates.

Once I realised how expensive beer (and everything else) was in Malaysia I became teetotal and started staying in dorm rooms to save cash. It was only then, as my expenditure dropped drastically that I realised how much I have been spending on booze over the last few months. I was dry from the 22nd of March till the 31st. Ten days. Which is the longest I have been dry since the 12th of November when I flew into Bangkok. Actually, if you want to get technical that's the longest I have been dry in the last seventeen and a half years. And when I started drinking again I realised how much I missed it. Actually that's a lie. I was well aware how much I was missing it as I was going without.
Even though Singapore is mighty pricey I thought I had to drink some Tiger beer here (as this is where it is brewed) so here I am in the heart of the historic/financial district enjoying a jug for the bargain price of $21. If you look closely you can just see the Raffles statue on the far right of the picture.
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