I find Buddha much more approachable when he's lying down

This was taken at Phu Si, a temple on a hill in the middle of Luang Prabang that has great views over the town and surrounding countryside. I know that many of you will have been dismayed by the lack of any World War 2 references in this blog so far so the other picture is one of me with the casing for a machine gun which was mounted, rather deliciously, in the aformentioned temple. Unfortunately the gun was removed some time ago so I wasnt able to draw down a blistering bead of fire onto the town, and any noisy Australians who happened to be there.
Oh yeah, did I mention I bought and smoked some opium when I was in Lunag Prabang? Well, the guy said it was opium. It could have been hash for all I know. I dont really know what opium is supposed to look like. It didnt do much but then I was quite drunk at the time.
Me or Buddha?
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