Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Found this really funny. I read about this statue in the guide book and had to make a special trip just to see it because if I saw one more serene smiling depiction of Buddha I was going to grab the nearest fire extinguisher and smash his smiling serene face in. This is at Wat Umong, just outside Chang Mai, and it shows Buddha fasting. Smug git still looks annoyingly serene though doesnt he? Incidentally, at Wat Umong I noticed I had been wearing my shorts the wrong way round all day so quickly stripped off in the monastery grounds. Fortunately I was not spotted and therefore did not suffer the wrath of any enraged kung fu monks.
Changed my plans since the last post back to my original plan of getting to Chiang Mai and exploring the North of the country from there. It's much nicer here than in Bangkok, cooler too and the rooms are better value.
Just signed up for a three day trek which will include rafting (Deliverance), caving (The Descent), jungle trekking (Rambo/Tears of the Sun/Apocalypse Now etc.), and elephant-riding (uuum...Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?).
Must buy a hat (can I find a stylish cream-coloured trilby anywhere? Can I hell) and a sarong tomorrow.
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