Big cave. Biiiiiig cave

This is Tham Phu Kham cave. The canopy above the bronze Buddha is about twice the height of a man in order to give you some sense of scale. Basically it was flipping huge.
At the base of the cliff you climb up to get there there is a stream you can swim in and a bar selling beer and food which was all good but unfortunately there was a sound system strapped to a tree blaring out crap Western music (Westlife when I arrived). Vang Vieng is like that. Really small, surrounded by stunning scenery but because of the high number of backpackers that come through on account of all the outdoor adventure activities in the area also full of TV bars with Friends and The Simpsons playing in a loop, and crappy blockbusters playing in all the restaurants (in the restaurants I tells ye!), and of course tons of traditional Lao pizza joints.
Hey ho.
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