Okay, so here I am, back in Bangkok for the
FIFTH and final time, having a beer in the first cafe I went into when I arrived in November.
I had a KFC yesterday.
It was fucking fantastic. It's not that the food in southern Laos was necessarily bad it's just that I was always eating the cheapest food and not much of that in order to save cash so when I tucked into a big greasy processed sugar and salt laden western junk food fest I just felt (insert sound of Homer Simpson drooling here).
The area I went to in Laos was nice but was extremely quiet (like much of the country) and there really was not much to do beside sit in a hammock and read. Now I like sitting and reading but nine days was pushing it a bit even for me. Besides, I finished Vanity Fair just after I got there and as there was no bookshops in the area I had to rely on the books that people had donated to the guesthouses which didn't provide the best choice. By the last day I was reduced to reading The Girlfriend Curse about a thirty-something Manhattan career woman who cant land a husband.
It was not good.
Also my guesthouse was overrun with chickens and I have come to the conclusion that chickens, even worse than dogs, are the most annoying, pointless and stupid animals on God's Green Earth (I've never been that keen on dogs but have
really gone off them on this trip particularly after being chased by a pack of strays when walking through the WW2 cemetery in Kanchanaburi). That KFC tasted all the sweeter when I imagined I was biting into one of those crowing bastards. Why didn't I buy that catapult that kid offered my in northern Thailand near the start of my trip? Sitting in a hammock, book in one hand, beer in the other, catapult at the ready and a big pile of hollow-point explosive-tipped chicken-piercing ammo to hand. That would have been great.
Yes, I am now back in the land of beer thanks to the completion of my medication and the destruction of my hookworm infestation. Oddly, the first few beers went down very well but I rapidly tired of the exercise. I have come to the conclusion that my body is starting to reject the absorption of that much fluid each day and is now craving wine above all things.
Yes, definitely time to come home.
On that note I should go and confirm my flight now.